How to compost and why it's so important
Join us as we share a quick intro into composting and explore all the ends and outs of composting. Humanure, Black Soldier Flies, Compost Bins, and More.
Check out the full webinar available on our website, the link is below in the comments.
All of the important links regarding some of the products we use and love for composting are listed below
The Garden Tower - Our go to for small space gardening and composting. You can compost with worms in the middle and grow veggies in the outside part! We also send free worms to anyone that buys one from us. You for sure have to check it out!
Comfrey Root - From The Schoolhouse Farm - One of the best plants to have on your property. it's great for healing wounds on people and animals. It makes a great accelerator for compost. It's also the leaves are one of my favorites to add to compost tea. (we'll send you a couple of small roots. you can get them started inside and they'll be ready for spring)
Wiggle Poo (aka worm poo) - From The Homeplace Farm - Our friends right around the corner compost their dairy cow waste and chicken waste into their giant worm bins. Then they produce this black gold. I've got them to make a special link so we can send some to you. This stuff is great for adding to overwintering plants or to outside gardens. Even better is your helping a small farm make a living.
Black Soldier Fly Bins- A great way to compost everything. Meat to veg it all goes in and you get very nutrient grubs you can feed to livestock or just feed the wild birds.