Next Steps 

Step 1:

Check your texts.

Schedule a chat with me!

 We'll be sending you a text to schedule a time for a no pressure information chat.

On this call we'll talk about your goals and more about our company and how you can start building your own business. 

Bring your questions, and I'll share all the tools you'll need to start, the numbers, and the strategies for success.

No big start-up fees, no product development and NO boss. 

Step 2: 

Resources and Studies :


The studies and resources on essential oils and how they can work are endless. But I wanted to highlight a few that I think you will love.

Step 3:

To be considered for our team you need to fill out this form.

Questions: [email protected]

Step 4:

Take this course & begin to learn how these simple tools are changing the world.

Education is the #1 priority in this business. Teaching people how their bodies work, helping them identify their ailments and find the tools that can help them is the crux of success in this business model. How many people do you know that need health solutions that work? That are safe? Proven? 

This course is the tip of the iceberg, and a great way for you to see how medicine can be not just life-changing, but also fun.

Are you ready to change your life, others' lives and  the world one drop at a time?

Ready to pick your starter package

Check out the 'Bringing Oils Home' lookbook! These kits come with everything you need to start your new natural healthcare career. A variety of products, access to wholesale pricing and a business portal with free access to all the training you need to grow a successful business. No need for stores of inventory, this direct sales model lets you help customers order through you, but not from you, freeing you up from lots of overhead or debt.                     Click Here

Step 5: What it's like to work with us


How our products are making a difference.

Hey guys, just wanna give a testimonial for a sec. I've had a long history of relentlessly getting terrible colds/sinus infections etc twice a year for the past forever. They left me feeling terrible and always dreading the winter and colder months. When my mom, Amy Byrd Mead, introduced me to oils I used them occasionally, but it wasn't until the last year of being married that I began using a daily regime of oils, taking probiotics, etc. This year, to my surprise because I hadn't even thought about it I've felt so good, I have YET to have a single cold, sinus infection, or respiratory ailment!! Woohoo!! I love using OnGuard touch, Peppermint, Motivate, Balance, and Lemon everyday and they just became my new best friends. I take them everywhere with me.  it's an oil life for me!

Jessica M.


My youngest was well known by the pediatrician bc we literally visited every 4-5 weeks. We were always told allergies &/or constipation (take Zyrtec & miralax every day), we wound up in the ER with DX of hand-foot-mouth, illeus (air pockets throughout entire intestines), migraine w/ uti, “virus” (she threw up uncontrollably for 4 days straight)... THEN oils came into my life (bc I was researching how to help my Tourette’s son avoid antipsychotics) and THREE YEARS went by before my little said “shouldn’t I at least go to the dr for a checkup” 🤣

Michelle M. 


I thought I’d give a little testimonial about the DoTerra skin care. I used it (both the regular line and then the Verage) for a long time, and really liked it, but I was curious about another brand I kept hearing about. It’s a popular direct sales company that several of my Facebook friends are reps for. Anyway, this line was expensive, more than double what DoTerra’s is, but I bit the bullet to try it and see what all the buzz was about. I can honestly say I never figured it out! My skin was more dry, more sensitive, etc, using this other brand. After using my 3 month supply, I canceled my order, and happily ordered the DoTerra again. I think my face breathed a sigh of relief when it came in.

Amanda W.


I have a testimonial to share. I have struggled to get my hormones balanced since having my youngest kiddo. Well I finally got my cycle back in June after starting the doTERRA supplements and Dr. Hill's hormone protocol just a few weeks prior. This month, my cycle came with zero pain and cramping and only lasted five days. I could really get used to this. If you are interested in learning more then I will be teaching a class on the topic in September. I will post the information later in August.

LeAnn V. 

Wanted to share a very special dad had surgery 1.5 years ago to remove tumors in his went well but at every 6 month check up small cancer tumors had regrown. I gave him a bottle of frankincense in January that he used daily...drops under tongue morning and on feet at night. Today he went for a check up and for the first time...NO tumors! Thanking God for this blessing and for leading me to this awesome team!

Christy M. 


Reduce toxins and using the oils + the LLV helped me get pregnant naturally 💕

Lilach F. 


I have gotten chronic UTI’s since I was a child, leading to many many courses of antibiotics. I am also allergic to sulfa drugs, so I was automatically prescribed Cipro for those UTI’s. I have been able to successfully prevent and/or get rid of UTI’s with oils for the last 3 years!

Amanda W. 

My son suffered from strep on and off for 5 mo and missed over a month of school. On and off antibiotics with allergic reactions to several. The last one they wanted to throw at it was Cipro. I finally listened to my mom gut and said no and tossed it all, prayed, did an iTovi scan and began using GX Assist, and a concoction of oils to gargle and swallow. In 24 hours we had improvement, in a few days 100% better. That was 4 yrs ago and the worst he has had since then is a cold!!!

Kim S. 


 So helpful and full of great information.  I have just purchased the mint and getting the purity for free, what a great incentive to build my oil collection.  After listening to this course I am even more convinced this is the way of life for me.  I plan on building my inventory first and trying out the products before attempting to make it a business venture.  Once I am confident in why I believe it is for everyone I will make my move.  Thank you to all who shared their experiences and knowledge.  

Pamla W


While I love to use all of dōTERRAs Touch oils, Cheer and Motivate are two of my absolute favorites, especially during the winter months.

My husband Tom and I love to take our dog for daily hikes in the woods around our home, but it can be hard to find the motivation to do so during the shorter, colder days.

Motivate and Cheer help to get us outside where we can soak up some much needed Vitamin D and take advantage of all the benefits that outdoor exercise provides.

Erin S.


The onguard has been amazing! I used it religiously when we got it then once Penny was out of school I got out of the habit. Tripp started the hardest treatment cycle Delayed Intensification around then as well. Everyone has been amazed at how well he is doing. He needed to make counts to start the second half 16 Jan. They check 8 Jan and his Absolute Neutrophil Count(ANC) was 1200 and figured he’d be really to go on the 16. The checked his counts and he had dropped to 200. He needed 750 for treatment and anything below 500 is considered neutropenia and his basically has not immunity. We were shocked and scared especially with the flu going around. When we got home I immediately started using onguard again and this past Monday his numbers were 1320!


I started doTERRA (not knowing a soul who used essential oils) while studying a way to help my sons Tourette’s without the use of antipsychotics AND my little was sick ALL the time (dr visits were every 4-5 weeks with 2-3 visits to the ER). My little NO LONGER needs a regular Dr and my son has NEVER had conventional medication to control his tics 🙏🏼 ❤️

Jackie S.