Welcome To Your Farmacopaeia

Accessible herbal wisdom for the beginning home apothecarist.

I'm ready to get started!

The Homestead 


Want to turn your home or yard into an herbal oasis? A medicinal haven? People often tell me they're just so excited to learn about herbal healing & plant medicine--but they're overwhelmed.

There are books & courses & certifications & hundreds and hundreds of dollars you can spend--but the truth is for most of us DOING is the best solution. Much of the above is either unaffordable or simply overwhelming!

But, you don't need all that! 

This guide is just a simple few pages of printable lists & recipes ANYONE can use to start NOW. It's narrowed down to the most prominent & versatile herbs & oils that will leave you feeling capable and confident that you CAN make home remedies out of the plants that are likely already growing just outside your door.


Get the Printable Worksheet & Tutorial!

Is this you?

  • You've been wanting to grow your confidence in herbal wisdom? 
  • Hoping to understand better the must-haves when it comes to herbal growing or foraging? 
  • Wanting to stock your medicine cabinet with ancient herbal remedies?
  • Desire to be more hands on in your home-health care with natural tools?

Here's how it works:

This printable resource gives you the perfect starting point--not too much, not too little. It's extensive enough that you'll be eager to start growing your personal farmacopaiea, but simple enough you won't feel defeated.

Step 1:

Download & Printthe guide

Step 2:

pick 3 plants off the list and get to know them

Resources are also listed for extensive plant know-how, but, these resources are compendiums--and this printable is like the cheatsheet...

Step 3:

take the 3 plants you pick off the sheet and immerse yourself! Grow it, forage it, identify it in every season--like a unit study that lasts for a week or a month! There's no rush! Each of these plants deserves your full attention! Draw it, take pictures, make bouquets and then...

Step 4:

Harvest it for teas, tinctures, salves, balms, sprays and more--all on a few easy to follow pages! You'll find quick recipes that make using these tools second nature!

Use your sheet to get inspired. You'll have a list of the most useful plants & oils available to both grow, or purchase from a trusted source.

Get the worksheet Now!

With plants, the sky really is the limit.


Targeting, pinpointing, honing and crafting remedies your family will see huge benefits from is both empowering & like tapping back into our inheritance as earth-dwellers. 

Would you like to use this worksheet in a classroom setting? email me for the group rate to do just that! (includes unlimited prints & permission to show tutorial to your guests).

Lacey Grim is a folk herbalist & plant expert with 2 decades of experience with aromatherapy & plant medicines. She has been teaching folks how to use them safely and effectively for over 11 years. Her teaching style is informative, but easy to digest making natural health and wellness easy to understand, and implement.

Holistic Health & Homestead Strategist, Educator & Mentor