Our homebirth story
Nov 24, 2021
'We are the only species of mammal that doubts our ability to give birth. It's profitable to scare women about birth. But let's stop it. I tell women: your body is not a lemon.' -Ina Mae Gaskin
I CANNOT wait to share this week's podcast! We're putting the final touches on it right now, but...it's SUCH a personal conversation.
CHILDBIRTH! People are reaching out to us about all kinds of 'what-if' scenarios, and childbirth is on the list!
We have had 4 beautiful births, 3 at home, and I don't speak out about them much, but they are some of the most important and life-giving + empowering experiences of my life. So, who better to ask than our magnificent midwife?!
Have you ever thought about having a homebirth?
The confidence a woman feels after childbirth can truly spur them on to even more--or, it can be a terrifying and traumatic experience where everyone is simply thankful to be ok.
I don't take for granted the outcome of our births, and I pray that more women continue to find midwives that empower them in their journey--that give them permission to trust their gut, idealize their story and then have THE say + support they need to have the birth experience they hope for.
The miracle of birth is inexplicable. The miracle of a birth story that feels like a family event--a wholesome, natural and God blessed unfolding of new life, well I am eternally grateful for these BEYOND miraculous events. And I'm eternally grateful for the midwife who is so much more than just my healthcare provider. She is my ally, my wise-woman, my friend and has become family to us.
Spending the time I got to interview her, out of the thousands of births, she remembered details of ours that well-up tears even typing.
I hadn't remembered that and when she reminded me, oof... it all flooded back, and I've been reflecting on it all since.
3 generations of women empowered by what can often be used to debilitate us, dehumanize + systemize us. It can be used as leverage to get women to do what is simpler, more standard, or 'safer'. It's been so protocolized women have very little say over what it looks like, and often have to ask permission for simple things--water tubs, food, birth plans, diffusers, partners, doulas, photographers. All of this must be 'approved.'
I've heard the stories of so many abused women who come out of their childbirth experiences feeling traumatized, and unable to speak up because, after all, baby is healthy! That is not enough. It is ok to want MORE.
And our chat really doesn't get too much into all the ways the system is failing us, but it DOES hit on more about the fundamentals of safe homebirthing and what it can look like. What can you do to be prepared more for birth on the homefront? I know so many are asking these kinds of preparedness questions right now, so I knew it was time to have Amy on to hash it out.
What does a midwife with thousands of births under her belt recommend folks have on hand in case of an emergency need to birth at home? What if you can't make it to a birth center or hospital?
I can't wait to share all of this with you, and so much more! Be on the lookout!
Peace + Love,
*none of this email or the podcast are actual medical advice, just words, and thoughts that might come in handy.
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